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Your generosity addresses a critical community need by enabling Phoenix Food Hub to reach more at-risk individuals of all ages who are in need of comprehensive nutrition and other related supports. The Phoenix Food Hub is a collaboration between Greater Lynn Senior Services and other local nonprofit organizations.


On-going funding is needed to ensure that Phoenix Food Hub can continue to deliver programs and services, free of charge, to more members of the community.

Your tax-deductible donations to Phoenix help support infrastructure and programs including:

  • a teaching kitchen for healthy cooking classes;
  • SNAP benefits counseling;
  • nutrition counseling;
  • short-term home-delivered meals for people who do not qualify for Meals on Wheels because of age;
  • bi-monthly food distribution events.


Donate by check

checkbook and penPlease make checks payable to Greater Lynn Senior Services.

In the memo line of the check, please write Phoenix Food Hub.

Mail checks to:
Greater Lynn Senior Services
Development Department
8 Silsbee Street
Lynn, MA 01901

Donate online

person with credit card typing on keyboardDonations can be made online through PayPal.

You do not need a PayPal account to make an online donation.
Click the button below:

Click here to donate today

(When you make your donation online, consider a monthly recurring donation to support Phoenix on an ongoing basis.)

Greater Lynn Senior Services, Inc. (GLSS) is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization established in 1976 to serve those over 60, adults of all ages with disabilities, and their families in Lynn, Lynnfield, Nahant, Saugus, and Swampscott. Many of our programs reach beyond our five-community service area, helping people throughout the North Shore and Essex County. Your donations through GLSS for the Phoenix Food Hub are tax deductible.

GLSS and its programs are funded, in whole or in part, by contract or grants with the U.S. Administration for Community Living, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Aging & Independence, the Older Americans Act, local funds, foundations, and private contributions.